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City Council Disagreement Could Cost Taxpayers $40k, Special Election Looming. 

By DJ Becker/The Madera News  January 13th, 2025

In an apparent repeat of the city council division and costly gridlock that started in 2020, the Madera City Council appears to again be unable to agree on an appointment to fill the 2-year term vacancy left by the November election of CeCe Gallegos to Mayor. Should the remaining six-member council be unable to agree to fill the District 1 vacancy, the open seat will go to a special election costing taxpayers approximately $40k to fill, according to estimates from the Madera County Elections Department. 

Residents are angry at the new dysfunction and claim the council situation is all about egos, hard feelings, and payback over the 2020 council obstruction.  “They need to stop and remember they work for us – the taxpayers and just do their jobs. Not blow $40k more of our taxpayer dollars because they want their way, and don’t want to compromise,” said a long-time resident, who is following the matter.

The discord was on full display in the last council meeting in December 2024, when the remaining six members of the city council repeatedly refused to compromise and continued to vote 3 to 3 for their own chosen nominees of Tim Riche and Rohi Zacharia, both of which are thought of as well-qualified. After about an hour of discussion, further questioning of the applicants, and additional votes, the city council even rejected the city attorney’s suggestion to allow the seat choice to be filled by an impartial coin toss. 

Further discussion and decisions were postponed until the Wednesday, January 15th, city council meeting.  See the attached agenda item for complete details.

The public is welcome to attend the Wednesday night meeting at city hall at 205 W 4th Street to share their opinions during the 6 p.m. public comment period.  Residents can also share their comments via email and have them read into the record at the meeting with the following link. Or leave your message at city hall at 661-5405.

In the event the city council cannot agree, the District 1 seat goes to a special election. It’s then estimated the council seat will also be vacant for approximately one year, potentially causing further voting gridlock and delaying progress on any future, substantial city decisions. 

Newly elected Mayor CeCe Gallegos, who also recently ran for Madera County supervisor, has not responded to repeated calls, emails, or text requests from The Madera News for comment on any city issues, or the current council vacancy. Residents and former employees say the actions of Gallegos appear to be ego-driven, demanding, and bullying, and Gallegos was allegedly responsible for the lengthy, contentious 2020 council obstruction, with that special election held in November of 2021 costing Madera taxpayers approximately $25k.  Residents and former employees spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing their concerns of retaliation.